frank the wong should live

     the creature that frankenstien created is very interesing. He shows kindess, but can show anger almost immediatly after. Honestly though, its not even his fault. He was very mistreated. i belive that that frenkensteins creation should live

       I belive that the creature should live. Its not his fautlt that he is this way. Almost all of his kills were acts of self defense. while i do agree the way he killed the assistant was a litlle harsh,but he was attacking him for no reason. It was cruelty, what else was he suppossed to do? The whole movie he was constantly being attacked. While I do admit the girl was being nice to him and he killed her, but you have to remmeber, he didint know, he's basically just a child. He saw that he could make things float so he tried to make her float, how was he suppossed to know? Also, with this interaction he proved that he can show other emotions such as happiness and joy. Then at the end of the movie when he realized that he hurt frankenstein, he tried to save him. However, yet again even after the creature shows he's capible of kindness, everyone still tries to kill him, going as far as to burn down the house he was in. While I do believe the citizens acted appropraitly, but if were talking from an outsid eprespective, like the one i have, i belive that they did the wrong thing and that the creature should be given a second chance. He just needs to be taught how to act appropraitly. no one ever gave him a chance to prove himself, if this were handled in a different manner the creature could have been very passive, and almost friendly.