DDA Lift

What You Need To Consider When Looking For

The Right DDA Lift For You


A DDA lift is handy when you have reduced mobility. Having mobility issues can be a result of ageing, medical conditions, or an accident. No matter the cause of a person's limited mobility, the biggest challenge for them would be climbing up and down the stairs when they live in a two-storey house or a multi-level building or apartment.

This is where DDA-compliant lifts come in handy. Over the years, they have become the preferred option among the elderly and people with reduced mobility. So if you need one for your home, it would be best to acquire the right lift for you. To help you out, here are what you need to consider when getting such. Read below.


Gates and Guard Rails

Make sure you consider what other elements may need to be added to the mobility step lift to make it practical and safe. For example, is a gate required at the top level or bottom level, and are guard rails necessary all of the way around? Also, you need to know if the DDA lift you require must be completely closed on all sides while someone is using it.


Dimensions Of The Lifting Platform

You should take the time to fully understand the dimensions of your lift and, most importantly, the lifting platform's internal measurements. Will this comfortably accommodate the size of a wheelchair or wheelchairs it will be servicing? Moreover, know if the users always carry something they might bring with them while using the DDA access lift.

This could be as random as a dog if they regularly take it for exercise. Ensure the step lift is going to be large enough to be practical.



From a practicality point of view, consider the controls of the step lift. Are they easy to use, can the wheelchair user access and control the lift themselves if required? Make sure the controls are within the users' reach.


Picking the right company

The first thing you want to find is a reliable stairlift company that can handle your installation. Look for a company that offers a free, no-obligation survey.  This way, you are sure that the DDA compliant lift provider you found is knowledgeable and reliable. A good stairlift company should specialise in the installation, repairs, servicing, rentals, extended warranties, removals, re-locating, re-fitting and much more. They should have an extensive team of engineers that make you feel comfortable when you speak with them. If possible, have more than one store to choose from to compare prices and service options.


Contact your insurance agent

Before you start deciding which stairlift is right for you, it's good to know how much your out-of-pocket costs are going to be. Find out how much of the costs your health insurance will cover and if they provide more coverage if you purchase a reconditioned stairlift as opposed to a new one. Also, make sure to know if they will shoulder more of the total cost if you need a curved DDA compliant lift.  Most importantly, tell the insurance agent the name of the company you are choosing for the installation and make sure they are compatible.


Decide the Location

You need to consider where you will put the DDA access lift you'll acquire. Choose the place or area in the property that the wheelchair user has the most difficulty in accessing. Place the lift in an easily accessible area that has a smooth and perfectly levelled mounting space. Make sure the landing space is structurally sound, and the travel wall does not have any gaps. Choose a reputable and specialised dealer mobility equipment dealer as this is critical for safe and long-lasting product installation.



It's a must to opt for a comfy lift chair. While it may seem imprudent to base your comfort decision since the lift is only used for transfers upstairs, the user may not feel secure if the seat is not comfortable. This security is what gives many the confidence to utilise their stairlift regularly. Don't impede usage by skimping on a sub-par seat or by overlo0oking the merits of trying the chair before you make purchase decisions.



Not only do you need to have a comfy lift sit, but it must also be suitable for the lift, stairway and your house. Does the chair meld with your home surroundings? Is it the chair that manufacturers recommend to augment your stairlift? These are relevant questions when choosing a stair chair or when updating or refurbishing your current lift.


These are what you need to consider to get a DDA lift that is right for you. Moreover, you need to acquire one that provides security for the user. You have to find a lift that won't compromise their safety and carry large amounts of weight. Although some are typically bigger than standard access lifts, it does not mean that such lifts are slower or more expensive to run. Some of them have low running and maintenance costs due to single-phase power consumption. Moreover, it would be best to remember the things mentioned in this article when getting the DDA compliant lift for your home.