Deadpool & Wolverine: The Ultimate Bromance

Deadpool: So, Logan, what did you think of the new Popeye movie?
Wolverine: I dunno, bub, I'm not really a cartoon guy.
Deadpool: Oh come on, it was adorable! That little sailor man with his spinach and his parrot? How could you not love it?
Wolverine: I'm more of an action flick kind of guy. Like, what was that one we saw last week? The one with the cyborgs?
Deadpool: Oh, you mean "Robocop." Yeah, that was pretty good. But I still think "Popeye" was better.
Wolverine: Whatever, bub. You're just a big softie.
Deadpool: Hey, I'll have you know, I am a highly trained mercenary with a heart of gold.
Wolverine: Yeah, sure you are.

The two X-Men sat in a bar, nursing their beers and chatting about life. It was a rare moment of peace for the two unlikely friends. They had been through a lot together, from fighting off hordes of zombies to saving the world from giant robots. And through it all, they had always had each other's backs.

Deadpool: So, what's up with you and Jean Grey these days?
Wolverine: Oh, nothing much. We're just friends.
Deadpool: Just friends, huh? That's not what I heard.
Wolverine: And what did you hear?
Deadpool: I heard that you're secretly in love with her.
Wolverine: I am not!
Deadpool: Oh, come on, Logan. It's obvious. The way you look at her, the way you always try to protect her. It's like you're a little puppy dog in love.
Wolverine: Shut up, bub.

Deadpool laughed. He knew that Wolverine was just trying to hide his feelings. But even though Wolverine was reluctant to admit it, Deadpool could see that he was head over heels in love with Jean.

Deadpool: So, what are you going to do about it?
Wolverine: I don't know. I'm not good at this love stuff.
Deadpool: Well, maybe I can help. I'm a bit of a ladies' man myself.
Wolverine: I don't need your help.
Deadpool: Oh, come on. Just think about it. What's the worst that could happen?
Wolverine: She could laugh in my face.
Deadpool: So? At least you'll know for sure.
Wolverine: I don't know, bub. I'm just not sure if I'm ready for that.
Deadpool: Well, you don't have to decide right now. Just think about it. And if you need any advice, I'm always here for you.

Wolverine took a sip of his beer and thought about what Deadpool had said. He knew that Deadpool was right. He had to tell Jean how he felt. But he was still scared. What if she didn't feel the same way?

Wolverine: I'll think about it.
Deadpool: Good. And remember, I'm here for you if you need anything.

Wolverine nodded and finished his beer. He stood up and walked out of the bar, Deadpool following behind him.

As they walked down the street, Wolverine turned to Deadpool and said, "Thanks, bub."
Deadpool: No problem, Logan. That's what friends are for.

The two friends continued walking, their footsteps echoing through the night. And as they walked, Wolverine couldn't help but think about what the future held. He had always been a loner, but now he had Deadpool by his side. And with Deadpool by his side, he knew he could face anything.

Even his feelings for Jean Grey.