Debt Problem Solutions Available to Help You!

Are business debts stressing you out?

Not sleeping as you are worried about how to pay the big bills?

Do you have property, but unreliable cashflow?

Need to Grow your business?


We can help you to find money to pay your business or personal debts. Self Employed, no problem, lets talk:


1. Outstanding ATO Bills

The ATO is quiet aggressive in pursuing their outstanding money and can charge over 9.0% penalty interest as well. We have lenders that will take on ATO debt and you will get them off your back as well as pay a normal interest rate.

2. Outstanding Rates Bills

Councils can demand payment of rates and can sell your property if rates are in arrears. We can help you to re-finance, pay your rates and get back on track.

3. General Business Debt / Lumpy Cashflow

Why not use the equity available in your house or investment property to help pay down your debts and balance out rather than paying massive overdraft rates or credit card bills.

4. Do you have minor payment defauls and not having any success in getting finance

We can find lenders that will overlook minor defaults and help you to secure the property that you want.

5. Do you need to buy plant & equipment to take on a new contract or grow your business, but bank says no...

We have a number of lenders available to finance plant and equipment.


We are not short term lenders or loan sharks.

We know what it is like to be Self Employed and the ongoing cashflow and bill management required. We can help you with a structure that will pay down your current bills and get things on track to move just need to have existing property (even if it is already mortgaged,) and be ready to act now.

Just email us at [email protected] and tell us about your situation.