Decca Marrufo Thought She Was Prepared for Anything

Decca Marrufo had always been the type of person who was prepared for anything. She had a first aid kit in her car, a flashlight in her purse, and a Swiss Army knife in her backpack. She was the one her friends called when they needed to fix a flat tire or sew on a button. She was always the one who knew what to do in an emergency.

Decca Marrufo was also the type of person who liked to be in control. She liked to know what was going to happen next, and she didn't like surprises. So when she found out that her husband was being transferred to a new city, she was not happy. She didn't want to leave her friends and family, and she didn't want to start over in a new place. But she knew that she had to be supportive of her husband, so she packed up her things and moved with him.

The first few months in the new city were tough for Decca Marrufo. She didn't know anyone, and she didn't know her way around. She felt lost and alone. But she slowly started to make friends, and she started to explore her new city. She found a yoga studio that she loved, and she joined a book club. She also started volunteering at a local animal shelter.

One day, Decca Marrufo was volunteering at the animal shelter when she saw a dog that she just had to have. The dog was a small, brown terrier mix with big, brown eyes. Decca Marrufo named the dog Lucky, and they quickly became best friends. Lucky went everywhere with Decca Marrufo, and he always made her smile.

One day, Decca Marrufo and Lucky were walking in the park when they saw a group of children playing. The children were laughing and having fun, and Decca Marrufo couldn't help but smile. She realized that she had finally found her place in her new city. She had found her people, and she had found her purpose. She was no longer the lost and alone woman who had moved to a new city. She was Decca Marrufo, the woman who had found her way.

So if you're ever feeling lost or alone, just remember the story of Decca Marrufo. She moved to a new city, she found her people, and she found her purpose. And she did it all with a little help from her furry friend, Lucky.