How to build a prayer life - two more points

FACT FOUR   It's important to pray for others too


  • In Colossians 4, after our key verse of the week, Paul goes on to say, “Pray for me, too…” In 1 Tim 2 he tells the warring (men!) Christians of Ephesus that they should stop fighting and instead pray for kings, leaders, authorities. He’s always asking for people to pray for him, in all his letters.
  • To pray for others properly, you need a regular supply of information – there are prayer bulletins, e-mails, prayer letters, available from far too many places – take time to plan out which you want to focus on (maybe a different one each day of the week?) and then make sure you’re receiving all the information you can about those things. It doesn’t mean that you can’t add others in, or pray for something else as well when you hear of a need.
  • This should include your family and friends; people who aren’t Christians yet; people who are serving God in ministries you’ve decided to support in prayer; your own church; people who are working in the world to alleviate suffering or end oppression; kings and those in authority…


FACT FIVE   You need to keep going consistently, and that can be tough!

  • First, you have an enemy. An old hymn says, "Satan trembles when he sees  The weakest saint upon his knees" - and that's exactly right. He'll do whatever he can to stop you communicating regularly and powerfully with your Father. So don't be suckered by him.
  • Second, "the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak", as Jesus said when he found the disciples sleeping at one of the most critical moments of his life. Our own bodies and minds will sometimes fight against the spiritual discipline of talking to God. Work to get control of yourself. Don't give in.
  • Third, we'd always prefer to be doing something rather than just sitting there. So we tend to be frenetically active in serving God, and leave no time for prayer! That's stupid. When we take time out to talk to God, that reminds us forcefully that it isn't our activity, but his power, that brings the results. Which we always need to remember!
  • Don't ever make the mistake of thinking, "The longer I pray, the more spiritual I must be." Rubbish! That tempts you to make your prayers longer and longer, and less and less meaningful... just what the pagans were doing in Matthew 6:7. Short prayers are a lot better than no prayers at all!
  • What if you miss a day, or just forget, and then feel guilty? Don't wallow in misery. Just get going again - God wants to hear from you, and if you stay away from him because you feel like a failure, you're robbing him of your friendship. Prayer is like learning to ride a bike. When you fall off, get back on straight away!



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