How to know God is guding you: three key passages you should know

Psalm 32 (especially v.8)

Psalm 32 gives us God's straightforward, clear promise to anyone who owns up about being sinful, returns to God, and wants to put him first. God wants to guide us... and his guidance means protection from the disasters we could otherwise fall into.

James 1:1-12

James doesn't promise that we'll be kept out of trials and difficulties in life. But he does say clearly that whenever we get into something we can't handle ourselves, God promises to give us the wisdom we need to deal with it. (Later on, in 3:13-17, he talks about what godly wisdom looks like: if you're planning to do something, and it doesn't fit this description, is isn't wisdom from God that you're using!)

Psalm 25

A great prayer for guidance which you can use to guide your own prayers when you're asking something from God. But it also spells out the conditions of God's guidance, and the promises he makes, very clearly and fully.




Go to the review to check you understand and remember

Go to points 4 and 5 for additional teaching

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