How to help change this planet

Six questions to test how much you've learned


If you don't get a good score the first time you try, look up the answers you didn't get right in the notes for the week, and try again tomorrow. If you want to be super-keen and learn this stuff really well, come back to this page every day for a week, and then you'll have all the material well and truly surgically implanted in your brain!


1. We're part of God's mission to change the planet and win the people in it back to himself. Mission contains two elements. What are they?

2. If mission includes telling people the Good News about Jesus, what kinds of things do we need to be prepared to do?

3. Can you quote the key verse of the week - including where it's from?

4. What was the most crucial moment in God's mission plan, and what does it have to do with us?

5. When do we become part of God's kingdom - (a) when we become Christians, (b) only when Jesus comes again, or (c) when we're Jewish?

6. If we're "soldiers", how does that mean we have to be different from other people who aren't in anybody's army?





Go to points 4 and 5 for additional teaching

Go to another three important Bible passages on this topic

Go back to the main resources page to do something completely different