Delhi Temperature: A Scorching Summer and a Chilly Winter

Hot summers and chilly winters are a given in Delhi. The summer months, stretching from April to October, can be brutal. The city sizzles under the scorching sun, with temperatures often soaring past 40 degrees Celsius. The heat is so intense that it's not uncommon for people to suffer from heat strokes and dehydration.
But when the winter season arrives, Delhi transforms into a completely different city. The air turns crisp and cool, with temperatures dropping to around 10 degrees Celsius. The days are pleasant and the nights can get downright chilly. It's the perfect time to wrap up in a warm blanket and sip on a hot cup of tea.
In between the extremes of summer and winter, Delhi experiences a short-lived spring and autumn. The spring months, from February to March, are a welcome respite from the harsh winter. The flowers bloom and the city comes alive with color. The autumn months, from October to November, offer a glimpse of the coming winter. The leaves turn a vibrant shade of yellow and orange, and the air becomes crisp and cool.
I've always found the changing seasons in Delhi to be fascinating. It's amazing how a city can feel so different in just a matter of months. I love the heat of summer, but I also appreciate the cool breeze of winter. Spring and autumn are my favorite seasons, as they offer a perfect balance of both.
No matter what the season, there's always something to enjoy in Delhi. The city is full of history, culture, and natural beauty. I encourage you to visit Delhi and experience its unique climate for yourself.
Here are a few tips for surviving Delhi's extreme temperatures:
* Stay hydrated during the summer months. Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks.
* Wear loose, cotton clothing to keep cool.
* Avoid spending too much time outdoors during the hottest hours of the day.
* Take cool showers to beat the heat.
* In the winter, stay warm by wearing layers of clothing.
* Eat warm foods and drinks to keep your body temperature up.
Here are a few fun things to do in Delhi during different seasons:
* In the summer, visit the Red Fort, Jama Masjid, or Humayun's Tomb. These historical monuments are all worth a visit, even in the heat.
* In the winter, take a walk through Lodi Gardens or the Garden of Five Senses. These beautiful parks are a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city.
* In the spring, enjoy the blooms at the Mughal Gardens or the National Zoological Park.
* In the autumn, go for a picnic in the Aravalli Hills or visit the Deer Park.
Delhi is a city that has something to offer everyone, no matter what the season. So come and experience it for yourself!