The Climate Changes in Chile

Main Impacts of the Weather in Chile

  • Chile is known for it dynamic economies in the rescent years due to its amzing scenery. Scientists states due to the increase in the weather, it will challenge the country later on. It will have a hug impact on the Chile's agriculture where mainly the people live. The changes will expose the fruits and the vines of the forestry sector.

  • Chile is known for the being the number one exporter in copper, wine, fruit, and other natural product.s. They are mainly famous for their wines but it has face many challenges due to the vines being very sensitive to the heat. Do to the increase of the weather the vines are ripening quickly and affects the taste of the wine.

  • There is now long-term availibility of water because of Chile's glaciers melting. They worry that the combination of more demand, less rainfall, less melting snow, and less water trapped in glaciers could combine to cause a serious decline in water availability, particularly in the summer months.



Chile is one of the many countries that are known for the economic problems. Many places in the world are suffering many problems due to the rapid temperature changes. Even though some of the production being done cannot be done anymore, there are still ways for the people to adapt. While our understanding of how climate change affects extreme weather is still developing, evidence suggests that extreme weather may be affected even more than anticipated. Extreme weather is on the rise, and the indications are that it will continue to increase, in both predictable and unpredictable ways. I feel in 100 years from now Chile will be drowned with water due to the rapid melting of their glaciers. with thi still occuring right now they have a plenty amount of water but it is becoming to much. Chile will b e suffering in  a couple years from now but they will drown later on.