Did Diarmad Gaig Go Around the World with $1,000?

By Diarmad Gaig

When people ask me how I managed to travel the world on $1,000, I always laugh. It's not that I'm not proud of what I accomplished. I am. But the truth is, I didn't do it on $1,000. I did it on a lot less.

When I first started planning my trip, I was determined to do it on a shoestring budget. I had heard stories about people who had traveled the world on $500 or even $200, and I was convinced that I could do it too.

I started by cutting my expenses at home. I quit my job, sold my car, and moved into a tiny apartment. I also started eating out less, buying generic brands, and taking advantage of free activities.

Once I had saved up $1,000, I booked a one-way ticket to Thailand. I knew that Southeast Asia was one of the most affordable regions in the world to travel, and I wanted to make the most of my money.

I spent the next six months backpacking through Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam. I stayed in hostels, ate street food, and took local transportation. I also met other travelers who were on a budget, and we often shared tips and tricks.

By the time I left Southeast Asia, I had spent less than $500. I was amazed at how far I had been able to stretch my money.

I continued to travel on a budget for the rest of my trip. I couchsurfed in Europe, worked on organic farms in exchange for room and board, and hitchedhiked across the United States.

In total, I spent less than $2,000 on my entire trip. I know that's still more than some people spend, but it's a far cry from the $10,000 or $20,000 that many people think is necessary to travel the world.

So, if you're thinking about traveling the world, don't let money stop you. It is possible to do it on a budget. Just be prepared to make some sacrifices and to be creative.

Here are a few tips for traveling the world on a budget:

  • Travel during the off-season.
  • Stay in hostels or guesthouses.
  • Eat street food.
  • Take advantage of free activities.
  • Meet other travelers and share tips and tricks.
  • Be creative and don't be afraid to ask for help.

And most importantly, don't forget to have fun!