20 Ideas for Differentiation Vanesa Chavez

1. Literature Circles- The students will work in small groups to discuss a piece of literature in depth. This activity is studnet directed that consists of 5 roles. Discussion director, word wizard, summarizer, illustrator, and connector are the 5 roles I will use. The groups will consist of 5 students and they must always pick a different role. 

2. Flipped Classroom- The students will be given a topic and teach the class and the teacher. As the teacher I won't be teaching the class about topic because they will have to research it on their own. Once the students present their ideas the teacher will teach the topic and we will compare. I think this is a good way to learn from their peers. 

3. Fun Activity Learning- With each lesson I will try to do a fun activity to start off and get the students hooked. I might choose to do a hands on learning activity that way they have a better idea of what I am teaching. 

4.  Speech and Language Generator- As a teacher I will have students that don't speak English. I will use google translate, and the students might be given an iPad to pull up google translate when needed. 

5. Guided Reading- As a teacher I will have students who struggle with reading. That is why I will use guided reading to help my students and get more one on one help. 

6. Peer Tutoring- I will pair the students who struggle with someone that is a stronger learner at the subject. That way they can guide the ones who struggle. I feel that students learn better when they learn from other students. 

7. Writers Workshop- I will use this to help students with their writing skills. A workshop with help guide them in the correct way. Students will come up with a writing topic and share it with their classmates. The teacher will create a list of all of the ideas and share with them with everyone. 

8. Emaze- Emaze is a great way for students to present projects. I like this tool better than powerpoint, this can benefit for visual and spatial learning. 

9. Information Web- This information web can help students create ideas to use when they are writing. This can be used as a reference fot students to look back on. 

10. Tiered Lesson- I think that a tiered lesson is great for ELL learners because it shows the differences in student's ability to understand. This is a great way to see if students can accomplish goals by using different levels of assignments. 

11.  Exit Ticket- I feel that an exit ticket is good way to check for concrete understanding. I will use an exit ticket every once in awhile by putting a problem on the board and having the students answer it before leaving the classroom. 

12. Prezi- This is another great way to have students present projects. They can use this tool to present in groups or pairs and include pictures and videos. I think this can be a great way to check for individual knowledge. 

13. Group work/ Partner work- I will group the students based off of strenghts and weaknesses. I think that this will help the students learn from each other and work better as a group. 

14. Graphic Organizers- I will introduce these to my students and show them how to organize their thoughts and discussions. The teacher will provide students with information and they will decide how they want to organize their thoughts. This is a great way to show what great note taking skills look like. 

15. Think- Pair- Share- This might be a good idea to use when students are introduced to a new topic. Students can shair their thoughts and ideas about the topic and discuss what they might already know. 

16. Saxon Math Method- I will use this method when teaching math. This method goes over concepts but constantly reviewing old topics so they don't forget. This is a great step by step instruction for special needs or any student. 

17. IXL-This is a great website for students who struggle with a subject. Students can use this website at home to help them and also play educational games. This is a good way to improve their skills in and outside of the classroom. 

18. YouTube Videos- I find it helpful to show students videos on a certain lesson before teaching it. It gets them excited to learn about it. It is a great motivational device. 

19. Website search- I will have some lessons where students need to do their own research and I will provide them with some educational websites to use. This will be a good way for the teacher to manage what their doing. 

20-  Project Based Learning- Students will work together to research their projects. This is a way for students to engage and put their thinking together. They be able to share their project as a group to the whole class. 






