Radio Airplay and Digital Marketing for musicians!

A musician who is looking for music marketing services should shop around before making a final decision. There are a few components that most musicians do not leverage for their musical success. A musician should have radio airplay and a digital marketing plan.


A radio airplay plan includes 3-6 months of consistent radio airplay and interview. A musician should have a budget to execute. Most independent musicians are on a budget!


A digital marketing plan should complement the radio airplay plan. Further down in this article you will find what are some of the components of digital marketing. The first look is what can be a rollout plan for a project. See this here Digital Marketing


A musician should have a rollout plan with a budget and timeline. Longe will show you a few breakdowns and a rollout plan with a budget.


The following are a few optional breakdowns:


Radio Airplay Plan -1 $199/per month x (3 months) = $597 or x (6 Months) = $1,194


This plan breakdown is for a month!

  • 150+Spins /Per week

  • 600+Spins /campaign min.


  • 30 Days

  • Weekly DRT Reports

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Press release 10 Locations

Radio Airplay Plan - 2 $1,499 x (2 orders) = $2, 998 or x 4 (orders) = $5,996

This plan breakdown is for 2 months!

  • 800+Spins /Per week

  • 6400+Spins /campaign min.


  • 60 Days

  • Weekly DRT Report

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Includes National Airplay Charting

  • Press Release to 100 Press Outlets

  • Itunes Marketing

Radio Airplay Plan - 3 $4995 x (2 orders) = $9,990 or x (4 orders) = $19,980

This plan breakdown is for 2 months!

  • 1750+Spins /Per week

  • 15000+Spins /campaign min.


  • 60 Days

  • Includes National Airplay Charting

  • (TOP 20)

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Station Tweet Alerts if available

  • Artist DRT Spotlight Ad INCLUDED

  • Press Release to 350 Press Outlets

  • Guarantee Place on Itunes Charts

  • Guaranteed Placement on Itunes "US" Chart

  • Submission to Club DJ with Reporting

Digital Marketing includes a variety of strategies that are needed such as video, music platforms (Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, Deezer, Napster, etc), social media, email, targeting, remarketing, PPC, web, search engine optimization, virtual showcasing, and more.


Based on requirements, a digital marketing campaign can start from $99. The digital marketing plan is a team effort with the artist and the managing team for the project. Depending on the status of an artist, the budget can range from $1000 to Millions.


Let's work with a $1,000 budget and a solo independent artist that is doing everything themselves (DIY).


Rollout Marketing plan:

  1. Once music is done! It's time to work!

  2. Make sure artwork is cohesive and ready. (EPK, Business Card with all your information)

  3. Make sure Biography, .mp3/.wav, UPC, IRSC, ASCAP/BMI registration, music is encoded, and Hashtag!

  4. Get a pre-release date with the distributor and get an exclusive release with one of the digital platforms. Digital Music platforms such Spotify, Itunes, and more! A pitch is free (find out what is required)

  5. Press release distribution with a release date for the single/album, song clip, and a link to the video if available = $145. (250 Press Locations)

  6. Three Months Promotions of guaranteed radio airplay = $597

  7. Submit Club and Bar DJ's (Most clubs and bar DJ's also has radio shows) Submission can cost $95 and up (Going with low end)

  8. Focus on target (Social and Media Marketing) - Build a fanbase of 5k or more! Once the goal is reached, schedule a virtual live concert event. (You can rent a place or get one for free) - (community center, town hall, home, etc) Direct fans to listen or download your music as support! Places you can use (IGTV, Facebook, Youtube, or alike)!

  9. Focus again on streaming, social media, press distribution, and reaching out to contacts $150

  10. Do a weekly Blog, IGTV, FB, and or Youtube.

  11. Keep building

  12. Do free shows