Make Your Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter More Exciting With Divine Kailash:


Kailash is one of the greatest pilgrimages in this world. It can be experienced repeatedly during his lifetime if he so desires to do it that way too! The Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter is a thrilling and adventurous ride through the Himalayas. This package makes it easy to visit this sacred site without trekking for days on end, giving you more time with your family or loved ones during their vacation while exploring India's natural landscape at its finest! The Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter from Delhi starts on an adventurous note; You may have been considering a spiritual pilgrimage to Kailash, but you're not sure how. There are many different ways for people in India and around the world who want to do so- from going there by foot or with just your prayers to flying overland into Tibet where it's possible to climb up Mount Mandar near Rongbuk monastery on top of being one mile higher than anywhere else humanity has set eyes before! Your adventure would've been ruined without any help from travel agencies because sometimes illness makes reaching a destination impossible without enough company at least once while traveling alone can be challenging too, no matter which way they choose since it's always difficult when relying solely upon oneself. However, there's nothing like experiencing nature at its most beautiful from high up above while cruising over these stunning mountains or seeing all those breathtaking snow-capped peaks down below--you'll never forget how amazing they look when you're flying around them looking out peering into each others' eyes-just taking everything in.


Highlights Of Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter:

A spiritual Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter is a destination for Hindus and Buddhists alike. This experience will take you across 5 large monasteries around Lakshya Prayag before finally reaching its peak. This is where Lord Shiva lived among other gods! You can expect magnificent views during your Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter, including those overlooking Mt Meru, which was his home in mythology, as well as Kang Tise Peak-where he resides now after becoming detached from the material world. Not only Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter offers you everything expected during a yatra but at an extremely low cost. There are large monasteries around the Lake there! As all know, Lord Shiva’s home place Mt Meru & Kang Tise peak - which are considered holy abodes for Hindus worshiping him as “Lord of Universe.” This Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter can be done with spectacular views over these places from time to time, so it will never get boring


Day 1 Arrive in Kathmandu

Day 2 Morning flight to Delhi then drive/on bus transfer towards Tibet Night stay hotel night.

Day 3 Drive further up North Eastside Highway.


Why Choose Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter?

Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter has turned out to become one of the most virtuous treks for people who enquire about Kailash yatra. The trek is adventurous and beneficial in ensuring a healthy heart. It provides pilgrims with rest so they can heal their Coronary Ailment during this time limit pilgrimage around Mount Himalaya's sacred peak, which stands at an altitude 6693 m above sea level-the tallest mountain range on earth. A mystical place where Hindus believe comes into existence God himself after inserting a thousand years gap following the last battle between good and evil according to ancient scriptures known as Puranas. Book your Kailash Manasarovar Yatra by Helicopter today!


Company Name: Divine Kailash

Address: 103, Romal Pearl, AECS Layout, Marathahalli, Bangalore 560037, India.

Phone Number: 098862 74292

Email: [email protected]


Google maps: Kailash Manasarovar Yatra By Helicopter