How to know if Someone takes a Screen shot of your Story?

Social media platforms connects you across the globe. It is great for being aware of your surroundings and connecting with people. Facebook has the largest number of users, it is accessible to everyone for free of cost. When you register or make an account, you are required to enter your personal details, like your name, address, birth date and all this information is mandatory to fill in for creating an account. Facebook does have a feature where you can lock your profile. All your information and updates will only be visible to those who are connected as friends with you. This would disable any stranger to view your profile. In a way you can chose with whom you want to share the information. There is also the option of screen shot, which is more of a mobile feature than Facebook application. Now, if you’re wondering, does Facebook tell when you screen shot a story? The answer is No, it doesn’t. If you can view someone post and take a screen shot. The person would not be notified about it. Let’s see how a take a screen shot.

How to take a screen shot of a story?

· In most of the mobile phones there is an icon of screen shot.

· Open the page you want to capture and press the icon.

· Another way is using your power button and volume down button.

· Press and hold both the button at the same time.

· Release when you hear the shutter sound or screen flash.

As we discussed, Facebook does not notify if you take a screen shot. Now, if it’s the other way around. Can you see if someone screen shot your Facebook story? No, you cannot. There is no way of knowing that. If someone is added as your friend and your profile is not locked. They can view and take a screen shot of your story. Technology is advancing, but does Facebook notify when you take a screen shot. No it doesn’t, there still no algorithm which can track that.