Does British Gas have your back?

The recent energy crisis has left many households facing soaring bills and financial hardship. While the government has introduced some support measures, many are still struggling to make ends meet. One of the big six energy suppliers, British Gas, has come under fire for its handling of the crisis, with some customers accusing the company of profiteering.

In a recent interview, British Gas CEO Chris O'Shea defended the company's record, saying that it is "doing everything we can to help our customers through this difficult time." However, many customers have expressed frustration with the company's customer service, with some reporting long wait times and difficulty getting through to an advisor.

One customer, who wished to remain anonymous, told us that she had been trying to get in touch with British Gas for over a week to discuss her bill. "I've been on hold for hours at a time, and when I finally get through, I'm just given the runaround," she said. "It's incredibly frustrating and stressful.

Another customer, who also wished to remain anonymous, said that she had been threatened with disconnection if she didn't pay her bill immediately. "I'm a single mother with two young children," she said. "I'm already struggling to make ends meet, and now I'm being threatened with having my electricity cut off. It's just not fair.">

British Gas has said that it is aware of the concerns that some customers have raised and that it is working to improve its customer service. However, many customers are still waiting to see evidence of this improvement.

In the meantime, if you are struggling to pay your energy bills, there are a number of organizations that can provide help and advice. These include:

  • Citizens Advice
  • National Debtline
  • StepChange

You can also contact your local council for advice and support.

If you are a British Gas customer and you are having problems with your bill or your service, you can complain to the company directly. You can also contact the energy ombudsman, which is an independent organization that can investigate complaints about energy suppliers.