Dog attack Limerick: Is your dog safe?

The other day, I was walking my dog in Limerick when he was attacked by another dog. The other dog was a large, black pitbull, and my dog is a small, white poodle. I was shocked and scared, and I didn't know what to do. The pitbull's owner was nowhere to be seen, and I was left to deal with the situation on my own.

  • Dog attacks are a serious problem in Ireland. According to the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCA), there were over 2,000 dog attacks in Ireland in 2017. Of these attacks, 75% were carried out by dogs that were not on a lead.
  • Anyone can be the victim of a dog attack, regardless of age, gender, or location. However, certain groups of people are more at risk of being attacked by dogs than others. These groups include children, the elderly, and people who work with dogs.
If you are attacked by a dog, there are a few things you should do to protect yourself:
  • 1. Stay calm and don't panic.
  • 2. If possible, create a barrier between you and the dog. This could be a chair, a table, or even your body.
  • 3. Make yourself look as large as possible. This will make you appear more threatening to the dog.
  • 4. Use a loud, firm voice to tell the dog to stop. Do not scream or yell, as this will only make the dog more excited.
  • 5. If the dog continues to attack, fight back. Use anything you can find to defend yourself, such as a stick, a rock, or even your fists.

Dog attacks can be very serious, and it is important to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones. If you are ever attacked by a dog, remember to stay calm, create a barrier, make yourself look large, and use a loud, firm voice. If the dog continues to attack, fight back and use anything you can find to defend yourself.

Remember, dog attacks are a serious problem in Ireland, and it is important to take steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.