Doggie Martelli: Don't Call Him Late for Dinner!

There once was a man named Doggie Martelli, renowned for his uncanny ability to predict the exact time for dinner. His friends, family, and neighbors alike marveled at his unwavering accuracy, eagerly awaiting the moment he would proclaim, "Dinner is ready!"
The Culinary Countdown
It all started with a simple observation. Doggie noticed that certain aromas and sounds invariably preceded his mother's culinary masterpieces. The sizzling of bacon, the clatter of pots and pans, and the heavenly scent of roasted chicken were all telltale signs that dinner was imminent.
As the years passed, Doggie's olfactory and auditory senses became so refined that he could pinpoint the precise moment the main course would grace the table. His predictions became legendary, earning him the title of "The Culinary Countdown."
Dining Precision
Doggie's dinnertime prophecies were never off by more than a minute. His friends and family relied on his uncanny ability for punctual dining.

"Doggie, we're all starving!" his ravenous companions would exclaim.

Without a moment's hesitation, Doggie would respond with his trademark confidence: "Dinner will be ready in exactly three minutes and twenty-two seconds."

Sure enough, as the clock ticked down, the aroma of roasted garlic and rosemary would waft through the air, signaling the arrival of another culinary masterpiece.
The Dinner Bell
Doggie's influence extended beyond his immediate circle. The local tavern, renowned for its succulent steaks and delectable desserts, hired him as their "Dinner Bell." When the time was right, Doggie would stride into the dining room with a resounding cry: "Dinner is served!"
The patrons, their appetites whetted by Doggie's announcement, would flock to their tables, eager to savor the culinary delights that awaited them.
The Toastmaster's Dilemma
One fateful evening, as Doggie was enjoying a dinner party at the home of a distinguished acquaintance, the toastmaster suddenly found himself at a loss. The after-dinner speech was scheduled to begin precisely at 8:30 pm, and he had no way of knowing when the meal would conclude.
In a moment of desperation, he turned to Doggie and whispered, "Mr. Martelli, could you please do me a favor? Let me know when dinner is finished so I can commence the toasts."
Doggie's face beamed with pride. "Of course," he replied. "Dinner will be ready in exactly nine minutes and forty-seven seconds."
And just as he had promised, as the clock struck 8:30 pm, Doggie cleared his throat and announced, "Ladies and gentlemen, our culinary journey has come to an end. It is with great pleasure that I invite the toastmaster to take the stage."
The Legacy of Doggie Martelli
To this day, Doggie Martelli's legend lives on. His name is synonymous with punctual dining, and his culinary predictions are still fondly remembered by those who had the privilege of experiencing them firsthand.
So, if you ever find yourself wondering what time dinner will be ready, just seek out Doggie Martelli. He'll tell you with the same unwavering accuracy that made him a legend in his own time.