Using Colloidal Silver For Serious Illnesses

People who use alternative medicine, home remedies, and old wives' secret formulas tend to rely heavily on testimonials, which are anecdotal accounts of healing. However, that doesn't mean they ignore clinical studies and scientific research. Many healing agents used for centuries have been validated by research, which tells consumers more about how things work and why. Colloidal silver is one supplement which has a long history of use, a lot of committed users, and scientific study results to back it up.
Historical records reveal that this mineral has been used for healing for more than six thousand years. Ancient peoples valued it for treating wounds, even though they didn't know what caused infection. Before penicillin was discovered, pure colloidal silver was the medical profession's most effective germ fighter.
Silver's antiseptic and antimicrobial action has led to many industrial uses. It purifies water for spaceships and many municipalities around the world. Although many health professionals deny silver's benefits as a supplement, it does medical applications. However, historic claims and accounts of healing from the general public haven't impressed the FDA, the United State's government watchdog agency that supervises its health care.
Scientists have proved that the mineral kills pathogens in test tubes, apparently by inhibiting essential enzymes. This antimicrobial effect, combined with extremely low toxicity, makes it ideal as a disinfectant for hospitals and food preparation areas. It kills pathogens, being effective against E. Coli, salmonella, staph, and other disease-causing organisms.
More recent research shows that the mineral has anti-tumor properties, as it kills or disables cancer cells. Significant results have been found in tests with breast cancer and lymphoma cells. Although it is lethal for cancer cells, it does not harm or inhibit normal cell activity. Other diseases that the mineral fights include smallpox, SARS, and tuberculosis.
Its industrial uses are many, and it's very green, showing no toxic effects on the environment. The medical establishment uses silver-infused bandages and dressings for wounds, burns, and skin infections. It is given to newborns in the form of eye drops to prevent conjunctivitis. It is also sometimes used with regular antibiotics to combat drug-resistant forms of bacteria, yeasts, and viruses.
Testimonials enthusiastically support the use of this mineral for healing. Reportedly, it stops sore throats, colds, and sinus infections from becoming serious. It is credited with clearing up decades-old cases of acne, finger and toenail fungus, and corns. People who tried it for ear, eye, or skin problems found that their fibromyalgia improved, as did emphysema and hepatitis C.
The list of problems that this healing mineral alleviates goes on: ear and sinus infections, skin ulcers and sores, pneumonia, and inflammation. People often detail the colloidal silver dosage that effected the cure, as well as the time period required for improvement. The doses that give results are far lower than the level set as safe by the FDA, making the chance of side effects very remote.
Pure colloidal silver is used to treat many ailments and illnesses. To learn more about this solution, refer to the recommended website