Domiku Ortuño: The Boy Who Couldn't Stop Laughing

It was a Monday morning when Domiku Ortuño first realized that he had a problem. He was sitting in his math class, trying to concentrate on the lesson, but all he could think about was how funny his teacher looked. He couldn't help but smile, then chuckle, then full-on belly laugh.
The teacher tried to ignore him at first, but it was no use. Domiku's laughter was contagious. Soon, the whole class was laughing. The teacher had to stop the lesson and send Domiku to the principal's office.

The principal was a stern-looking woman, but even she couldn't help but crack a smile when Domiku burst into her office, still laughing and gasping for breath.

"What's so funny?" she asked.

Domiku couldn't answer. He just kept laughing.

"Well, I'm going to have to give you a detention," the principal said.

"But why?" Domiku asked, finally able to catch his breath.

"Because you're being disruptive," the principal said. "You're not letting your classmates learn."

"But I can't help it!" Domiku said. "Everything is just so funny!"

The principal sighed. "I understand," she said. "But you need to find a way to control your laughter. It's not fair to the other students."

Domiku promised to try, but it was no use. He couldn't stop laughing. He laughed in class, he laughed in the cafeteria, he even laughed in his sleep.

One day, Domiku's parents took him to see a doctor. The doctor examined him and said that he was perfectly healthy. He just had a very contagious sense of humor.

The doctor told Domiku's parents that they should just accept that their son was a little different. He was a happy boy, and he brought joy to everyone around him.

Domiku's parents were relieved. They loved their son just the way he was. And so, Domiku continued to laugh, and everyone around him continued to smile.

Years later, Domiku Ortuño became a famous comedian. He toured the world, making people laugh with his infectious sense of humor. He was known as the "Laughing Boy," and he always left his audiences in stitches.
Domiku Ortuño was a special boy. He had a gift for making people laugh, and he used it to make the world a happier place.