Don Don Donki Plastic Bag

Oh, plastic bag, how I have loved and hated you. You have been my faithful companion on countless shopping trips, carrying everything from groceries to clothes to books.

  • Your thin, flimsy body has been the bane of my existence, tearing easily and leaving me to pick up spilled items.
  • Your lack of durability has also led to many an embarrassing moment, when you have given way under the weight of my purchases.
  • However, I have also appreciated your convenience. You are lightweight and easy to carry, and you have always been there for me when I need you.

But now, it seems, our time together is coming to an end. Don Don Donki, the Japanese discount store chain, has announced that it will stop selling plastic bags at its 16 outlets in Singapore from Oct 1.

This is a move that I wholeheartedly support. Plastic bags are a major source of pollution, and they can take hundreds of years to decompose. They also pose a threat to wildlife, as animals can mistake them for food and ingest them.

I know that I will miss having plastic bags at my disposal, but I am willing to make this sacrifice for the sake of the environment. I urge other retailers to follow Don Don Donki's lead and stop selling plastic bags.

Together, we can make a difference.

A little bit about me:

I am a writer and environmental activist. I am passionate about protecting the planet, and I believe that we all have a responsibility to do our part.

I am also a big fan of Don Don Donki. I love the store's wide selection of Japanese products, and I am always impressed by the friendly staff.

I am glad to see that Don Don Donki is taking a stand against plastic pollution. I hope that other retailers will follow suit.

Call to action:

If you are concerned about plastic pollution, I urge you to take action. You can start by reducing your own use of plastic bags. You can also contact your local retailers and ask them to stop selling plastic bags.

Together, we can make a difference.