Donate Old Car

Do you want to donate old car? Donating your car is a great option. It is better than selling your car. When you donate your car someone comes to you and picks it from your location. This makes it really easy to get rid of your car. You also get to deduct the value of your car in your taxes which is the second benefit of getting rid of your old car this way. The biggest benefit is that you get to feel good that you have helped a cause to make this world a better place.

If you want to donate your old car here is a guide you should follow this 2 step guide:

Step 1: Start by determining the value and condition of your car. This will narrow your choices to some extent. Is your car running or is it dead? Many charities do not accept dead, non-running cars. So if you have one of those then you know you are limited to whom you can donate your car. You also want to determine the fair market value of your car in advance. This way you can mark your donation for that value. However, do check with your tax lawyer. Sometimes the tax agencies do not value the car on market value but on the amount that is used for charity from the organization that takes your car.

Step 2: The next step is to decide that charity you would like to support. Is there a cause that is personal to you? Would you like to contribute to cancer research or feed children or help the elderly? If you do then this makes it easy to find a charity. Do a little research on google and find the organization for the cause you want to support and have them take your car.