Douglas Coleman: The Man Whose Mission is to Make the Internet More Humane

Douglas Coleman is a software engineer and the founder of the Humane Tech movement. He is on a mission to make the internet more humane and less addictive.
Coleman has a personal story that led him to this work. He was addicted to social media and video games for many years. He would spend hours scrolling through his phone, even when he knew it was making him feel worse.
One day, Coleman realized that he was not alone. Millions of people are struggling with addiction to the internet. He decided to do something about it and founded the Humane Tech movement.
The Humane Tech movement is a growing group of people who are working to make the internet more humane. They are developing new technologies, advocating for policy changes, and educating people about the harms of internet addiction.
Coleman believes that the internet has the potential to be a great force for good. However, he also believes that it is important to use the internet in a way that is healthy and sustainable.
Coleman's work has been featured in The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, and Time magazine. He has also spoken at the United Nations and the World Economic Forum.
Coleman is a passionate advocate for making the internet more humane. He is working to create a world where people can use the internet to connect with others, learn new things, and make a difference in the world - without sacrificing their mental health.

The Problem with the Internet

The internet is a powerful tool that can be used for good or for evil. Unfortunately, it is often used for the latter.
The internet can be addictive. It is designed to be that way. Social media companies, video game companies, and other internet companies use a variety of techniques to keep people hooked.
These techniques can be very effective. Many people find themselves spending hours on the internet, even when they know it is not good for them.
Internet addiction can have a negative impact on mental health. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and other problems. It can also damage relationships and careers.

The Humane Tech Movement

The Humane Tech movement is a growing group of people who are working to make the internet more humane. They are developing new technologies, advocating for policy changes, and educating people about the harms of internet addiction.
The Humane Tech movement is based on the belief that the internet should be used to serve people, not to exploit them. They believe that the internet should be a place where people can connect with others, learn new things, and make a difference in the world.
The Humane Tech movement is making a difference. They are raising awareness about the harms of internet addiction and they are developing new technologies that can help people to use the internet in a healthier way.

What You Can Do

There are a number of things you can do to help make the internet more humane.
* Be mindful of your internet use. Pay attention to how you are feeling when you are on the internet. Are you feeling addicted? Are you feeling depressed or anxious? If so, it may be time to take a break.
* Set limits on your internet use. Decide how much time you want to spend on the internet each day and stick to it.
* Use the internet for positive purposes. Use the internet to connect with friends and family, learn new things, and make a difference in the world.
* Support the Humane Tech movement. Donate to a Humane Tech organization or volunteer your time.
Together, we can make the internet a more humane place.

Call to Action

I urge you to join the Humane Tech movement. We need your help to make the internet a more humane place. Together, we can create a world where the internet is used to serve people, not to exploit them.