Drive-Away Dolls

It was around the time that I started to become aware of my own existence that I first became aware of the Drive-Away Dolls. They were a group of three dolls, each with a different name and personality.

The first doll was called Dolly. She was the leader of the group and was always getting into trouble. She was always trying to find new and exciting things to do, and she loved to play pranks on her friends.

The second doll was called Molly. She was the middle child of the group and was always trying to keep the peace. She was always trying to make sure that everyone was happy, and she hated it when her friends were fighting.

The third doll was called Polly. She was the youngest of the group and was always looking for attention. She was always trying to show off, and she loved to be the center of attention.

The Drive-Away Dolls were always getting into trouble. They were always running away from home, and they were always getting into fights with other toys. But no matter what they did, they always managed to find a way to make each other laugh.

One day, the Drive-Away Dolls were playing in the backyard when they saw a group of children playing in the street. The children were all playing tag, and the dolls wanted to join in.

The dolls ran out into the street and started to play tag with the children. They were having so much fun that they didn't notice the car that was coming down the street.

The car hit the dolls, and they were all knocked unconscious. The children were all scared, and they ran away.

When the dolls woke up, they were all in the hospital. They had all been badly injured, and they were all very scared.

The dolls spent several weeks in the hospital. They had to have surgery, and they had to go through a lot of physical therapy.

But even though they had been through a lot, the dolls were all still friends. They were all still there for each other, and they all still loved to play together.

When the dolls were finally released from the hospital, they were all so happy to be back home. They were all so excited to see each other again, and they were all so ready to start playing together again.

The Drive-Away Dolls were back, and they were ready for anything.