Dublin Airport security change

Dublin Airport passengers have been warned to expect a major change to airport security from this November onwards.

From November 11th, 2023, it will be compulsory for all passengers departing from Dublin Airport to carry their liquids, aerosols and gels in a clear one-litre bag and have it separately screened at security.

The new measures will bring Dublin Airport into line with security rules in many other countries and should make the security process faster and easier for passengers.

What do you need to know?

  • From November 11th, 2023, all passengers departing from Dublin Airport will need to carry their liquids, aerosols and gels in a clear one-litre bag.
  • The bag must be no bigger than 20cm x 20cm and must be resealable.
  • The bag must be placed in a separate tray for screening at security.
  • Liquids, aerosols and gels must be in containers that are 100ml or less.
  • Containers larger than 100ml will not be allowed through security.
  • The one-litre bag limit does not apply to essential medicines or baby food.
  • These items can be presented to security staff for inspection outside of the one-litre bag.

Why are the changes being made?

The new security measures are being introduced to improve the efficiency of the security screening process and to enhance security at Dublin Airport.

The current security screening process can be time-consuming, especially during peak times.

By requiring passengers to place their liquids, aerosols and gels in a clear one-litre bag, it will be easier for security staff to screen these items and will help to reduce delays.

In addition to improving efficiency, the new security measures will also enhance security at Dublin Airport.

The clear one-litre bag will allow security staff to see what is inside the bag and will help to prevent passengers from bringing prohibited items through security.

The new security measures are in line with security rules in many other countries and will help to keep Dublin Airport passengers safe.

How will the changes affect passengers?

The new security measures will have a minor impact on passengers.

Passengers will need to ensure that they have a clear one-litre bag to carry their liquids, aerosols and gels.

The bag must be placed in a separate tray for screening at security.

Passengers should also be aware that liquids, aerosols and gels must be in containers that are 100ml or less.

Containers larger than 100ml will not be allowed through security.

Overall, the new security measures will have a minor impact on passengers and will help to improve the security and efficiency of the security screening process at Dublin Airport.