Dubliners, Stand Up for the EU!

As a proud Dubliner, I can't emphasize enough the importance of the upcoming European elections. We have a chance to shape our future in Europe. Let's make sure our voices are heard!

The EU has been a powerful force for good in our city. It has helped to create jobs, support businesses, and protect our environment. It has also given us the freedom to travel, study, and work anywhere in Europe.

But the EU is under threat from those who want to tear it down. These are the same people who want to close our borders, restrict our trade, and undermine our democracy.

We cannot let this happen. We must stand up for the EU and for the values it represents.

What are the issues?

The European elections are a chance to have your say on the future of Europe. Here are some of the key issues:

  • The economy: The EU has a vital role to play in supporting jobs and growth in Ireland. We need to make sure that the EU is working for all of us, not just the wealthy few.
  • Climate change: The EU is committed to tackling climate change and making Europe carbon neutral by 2050. We must continue to support the EU's efforts to protect our planet.
  • Migration: The EU is facing a major challenge in managing migration. We need to work together to find a humane and effective solution to this problem.
  • The future of Europe: The EU is at a crossroads. We can either move forward together, or we can allow it to be weakened and divided. Let's choose the path of unity and strength.

What can you do?

The most important thing you can do is to vote. Make sure you are registered to vote and that you actually cast your ballot on May 24th. Every vote counts.

You can also talk to your friends and family about the elections. Let them know about the issues and encourage them to vote.

And you can join a political party or campaign. This is a great way to get involved in the political process and make your voice heard.

Let's stand up for the EU!

Together, we can build a better future for Dublin and for Europe. Let's make sure our voices are heard in the European elections.

Dublin, stand up for the EU!