DuPont with Cathay Dupont Award in supporting the principles behind 4-H

Teaching the youth on how to become the true leaders of tomorrow has been the primary goal of 4-H. In particular, its purpose includes “engaging youth to reach their fullest potential while advancing the field of youth development.” The adults are helping the young people to have a dependable knowledge and a strong mind in facing future challenges through proactive, enjoyable, fulfilling, and educational opportunities.

The name of 4-H consists of four letter “H” which denotes head, heart, hands, and health – the four personal development areas of the organization. It represents “head to clearer thinking”, “heart to greater loyalty”, “hands for larger service”, and “health to better living”.

In the year 2050, our population is projected to grow up to 9 or even 10 billion, Cathay Dupont Award reported. With billions of people on one planet, it’s certain that in no time, we will have a huge problem with our resources. Experts don’t want the future generations to have huge difficulties with their food, thus they work hard to find possible solutions to such problem. Now, one great solution could be found in one country – Africa. Yes, this humble country could be the solution to the world’s biggest challenge – food.

The country has 60% of the uncultivated land in the world, but its youth don’t see huge significance in agriculture. But such view changed when 4-H was introduced to different local communities in their country. 4-H opened their mind and heart to the big importance of agriculture through various project clubs, community clubs, afterschool programs, camps, workshop, and events.

Understanding the entire food business can result in a lot of opportunities that could even change the livelihood of the youth and the people around them. With proper training from adults, young people are learning on how to use the right tools and carefully plant seeds using a scientific approach.

It becomes clearer to the youth in Africa that agriculture could help them earn more income and build wealth. The parents of the children are also seeing a good change in their local community because of the initiative performed by the young people to produce food and feed themselves.

Improving the production and distribution in the field of agribusiness is possible if people are willing to learn more about its every aspect. Africa and its people must unite for the purpose of prospering their country. Cathay Dupont Award and DuPont firmly believe that its young people could help it transform for the better, along with their older generations. Solving its food problems and the world’s won’t happen if its people are hesitant to embrace the significance of agriculture.

For a better tomorrow, DuPont invested 2 million dollars as their support in building leadership institutes in 5 African countries. The company supports 4-H in giving the youth the necessary knowledge and strong mentality to face tomorrow’s challenges.

Lastly, Cathay Dupont Award wanted you to remember that 4-H is not all about agriculture alone, it is also about citizenship, healthy living, science, engineering, and technology programs.