DWP State Pension Underpayments

The Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) has been underpaying state pensions for years, and it's estimated that hundreds of thousands of people are owed money.

The underpayments are due to a number of factors, including errors in calculating pension amounts, and the DWP is now working to correct the mistakes.

If you think you may be owed money, you can check by contacting the DWP on 0800 731 0469. You can also get help online at: https://www.gov.uk/contact-pension-service.

If you are owed money, the DWP will pay you what you are owed, plus interest.

The DWP has said that it is committed to correcting the underpayments as quickly as possible, and it has set up a dedicated team to deal with the issue.

If you have been affected by the underpayments, it's important to contact the DWP as soon as possible to find out how much you are owed and how to claim it.
The DWP has also set up a helpline for people who have been affected by the underpayments.

The helpline is open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday, and the number is 0800 731 0469.

If you have been affected by the underpayments, it's important to contact the DWP as soon as possible to find out how much you are owed and how to claim it.

You can also get help online at: https://www.gov.uk/contact-pension-service.