Earthquake Drill

Ever since I moved to California, my family has taken earthquake drills very seriously. We have a designated meeting place outside, an emergency kit packed with food, water, and first aid supplies, and we practice our drill regularly.
I remember one particular drill that stands out in my mind. It was a beautiful summer day, and we were all outside playing in the backyard when the ground started to shake.
"Earthquake!" my dad yelled.
We all ran to our designated meeting place, which was a large oak tree in the front yard. My mom grabbed our emergency kit, and we huddled together under the tree.
The ground shook violently for what seemed like an eternity. We could hear things falling and breaking all around us.
Finally, the shaking stopped, and we cautiously looked around. Our house was still standing, but there was damage everywhere. Trees were uprooted, fences were down, and power lines were snapped.
We were all shaken, but we were okay. We had followed our earthquake drill, and it had kept us safe.
I'm grateful that my family takes earthquake drills so seriously. I know that if a real earthquake ever happens, we'll be prepared.
Here are some tips for creating an earthquake drill for your family:
  • Choose a designated meeting place outside.
  • Pack an emergency kit with food, water, and first aid supplies.
  • Practice your drill regularly.
  • Talk to your children about earthquakes and what to do if one happens.
I hope you never have to experience an earthquake, but if you do, I hope you're prepared.