Eastern Alliance Insurance Group Review - OSHA Recordkeeping Requirements

Updates to OSHA Reporting Requirements

Updated OSHA recordkeeping requirements take effect on January 1, 2015. Do you know how these changes impact you?

• OSHA will continue to require employers to notify OSHA when a fatality occurs in the workplace, within 8 hours after the employer learns about the event. This rule applies regardless of establishment size or industry exemption.

• All employers, regardless of establishment size or industry exemption, will also be required to report any work-related inpatient hospitalization, amputation or loss of an eye, within 24 hours after the employer learns about the event.

• There is a revised list of low-hazard industries not required to maintain injury and illness records, unless specifically asked to do so. Some industries are newly exempt from the recordkeeping requirements. Other industries previously not required to keep injury and illness records will now be required to do so.

Review the new list to determine your recordkeeping status!

• https://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping2014/records.html

Download the OSHA Recordkeeping Fact Sheet:

• https://www.osha.gov/recordkeeping2014/OSHA3746.pdf