Eastern Alliance Insurance Group Review - Wellness Resources

Eastern takes a holistic approach to workers' compensation coverage. We look at our clients' needs through a macro lens and ask ourselves: what products and services can we offer to help keep workers safe and healthy - and workers' compensation costs low? By bringing a fresh outlook to your employees' wellness, we know we can deliver better outcomes—for them and for you.

Why implement an Employee Wellness Program?

A healthier workforce means more productive employees, through:

Fewer lost time injuries

Less time out of work

Faster-healing injuries

Strategic Partnership with Wellness Coaches USA

Our partnership with Wellness Coaches USA enables us to help our clients promote healthier lifestyles among their employees. Wellness Coaches provide one-on-one, face-to-face coaching to employees right in their workplace. This personalized, confidential coaching includes educational, motivational and supportive components regarding lifestyle issues, such as nutrition, exercise, weight loss, smoking cessation, etc., to improve overall health.

Contact us today to learn more about our employee wellness programs and how to get one started at your workplace.

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