Eberly Shreeyash: The Boy Who Couldn't Sleep

Eberly Shreeyash was a very strange boy. He couldn't sleep. Not even a little bit. He would lie in his bed for hours, staring at the ceiling, willing himself to fall asleep. But it never happened.

His parents were worried sick. They took him to doctors, but no one could figure out what was wrong. They tried everything they could think of, but nothing worked. Eberly Shreeyash just couldn't sleep.

One night, Eberly Shreeyash was lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, when he heard a noise. It was a soft, gentle noise, like someone was whispering his name.

Eberly Shreeyash sat up in bed and listened. The noise came again. It was definitely someone whispering his name.

"Eberly Shreeyash," the voice said. "Eberly Shreeyash."

Eberly Shreeyash got out of bed and followed the voice. It led him down the hall to his parents' bedroom.

Eberly Shreeyash's parents were asleep in their bed. The voice was coming from under their bed.

Eberly Shreeyash got down on his knees and looked under the bed. There, in the darkness, he saw a pair of glowing eyes.

"Eberly Shreeyash," the voice said again. "Eberly Shreeyash."

Eberly Shreeyash reached out and touched the eyes. They were soft and warm. Eberly Shreeyash felt a sense of peace wash over him.

The voice whispered again, "Eberly Shreeyash, you can sleep now."

And with that, Eberly Shreeyash fell fast asleep.

Eberly Shreeyash slept for hours. When he finally woke up, he felt refreshed and rested. He got out of bed and went to the kitchen to make breakfast.

His parents were already up. They were sitting at the kitchen table, drinking coffee.

"Good morning, Eberly Shreeyash," his mother said. "Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, Mom," Eberly Shreeyash said. "I slept very well."

Eberly Shreeyash's parents were overjoyed. They had finally found a way to help their son sleep.

Eberly Shreeyash continued to sleep well for many years to come. He never saw the glowing eyes again, but he never forgot the voice that had whispered his name.

And so, Eberly Shreeyash, the boy who couldn't sleep, became Eberly Shreeyash, the boy who slept soundly.