All You Need to Know about Successful ECommerce Migration

Migrating your existing website to a newer, more improved and well-integrated platform can be an irrefutable perquisite to the growth and success of your business. As Ecommerce industry is blooming by the minute, the success of an ecommerce business hinges on its ability to adapt, evolve, and stay ahead of the competition.

A better platform ensures that your business has enough room to scale up while promoting it at all the right places. Due to evolved technological advancements and consumer expectations, online retailers often find themselves faced with the daunting task of migrating their ecommerce platforms. The need for ecommerce migration services can be due to upgrading outdated systems, improving performance, or enhancing the user experience. Ecommerce migration can be a complex and challenging process nonetheless.

Every business has its own special needs, it requires opportunities that ensure improvement and need solutions to overcome the hurdles that can obstruct the success. An expert ecommerce agency deals with not only the technical aspect of the migration but also has a futuristic approach that will help you achieve the targeted goals.

With careful planning, strategic execution, and the right tools and resources, it is possible to navigate this transition smoothly and achieve success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about successful ecommerce migration from considerations to reasons to benefits, so let’s start the journey!

All You Need to Know about Successful ECommerce Migration

Ecommerce migration is also known as shopping cart migration, data migration and many other similar terms. But they all boil down to the same, relocating your online store on a different platform for better performance. For example if at first you were on Magento but now after successful ecommerce migration you’re operating from BigCommerce, so you just re-platformed yourself.

You’ll be migrating the orders, products, customer information, posts, reviews, discount codes, gift cards, smile points and various other data. There are many reasons why you would like to do this task, below are some of the top ones.

The reasons that might indicate to you the need of the migration can be subtle or can be alarming as well. Sometimes the constant need of maintenance or fixing of bugs can be an indicator, other times just the customers’ constant negative feedbacks about the page’s slow performance, poor integration of different apps, incompatibility with mobile devices, lack of essential modern features like omni channel presence, Live Chat, Coupon codes, reward points and other facilities can be a very good reason to re-platform to a better one like Bigcommerce.

You can also consider re-platforming if you get a good deal for a new launch, the new platform offers better merger opportunities. Furthermore, if your site glitches or gets stuck at peak hours you need to take steps immediately.

Benefits of Ecommerce Migration

If the reasons for migration are so strong then the benefits must also be amazing, right? So let’s just dive right into them.

Reduction in Fixed Costs

When your new hosting platform is working smoothly without any glitches or hold up, you wouldn’t need to outsource or pay constant maintenance chargers to any company or ecommerce service providers, right? This will save you a lot of money. The initial cost of re-platforming is surely high but the benefit is also exponential.


Scalability plays a very important role in the growth of your business. If your platform doesn’t allow you to grow then it’s time to move on. As your business will grow over the years, you’ll be introducing newer products, your traffic will increase on daily bases and more and more orders/hour will come in. All this will need you to have a platform compatible with growth and allow you to provide a seamless and great user experience. Having a scalable platform is the first step towards your growth.

An Omnichannel Presence

Nowadays, having an omnichannel presence is absolutely essential as customers like to interact with the business on every level and are assuredly to reach it whenever they want. A well-organized and integrated cross-channel integration provides the customer a seamless transition from in-stores to online to social media platforms to search engines.

Various Marketing Benefits

Not only does a good platform do all that I have mentioned above but it will also help you gain new customers. With a brand new appearance on a scalable, robust and enhanced platform, your site search is bound to improve. Furthermore, with various personalization options, mobile optimization and discount codes and reward schemes, people would just flock into your online store.

Checklist To Be Sure All Bases are covered

Before jumping the gun of ecommerce migration make sure you have a separate budget allocated for it as it can cost some serious money, time and effort. The best time to re-platform is when the business is slow and the market is calm. Always hire a company of ecommerce service providers or a third party to do it professionally and efficiently. Scan your website thoroughly so you don’t miss out on something important and lastly test run it from start to end to have the complete experience.


ECommerce migration services is a complex but necessary process for businesses looking to grow and stay competitive in the digital marketplace. By hiring a competitive ecommerce agency this daunting task can become a piece of cake!