Tips To Boost Shopify Sales For Small Business

Choosing the right ecommerce platform for your online store is surely an important step but it is not the end of your work, in fact it's just the beginning. Small businesses or start ups that are looking for platforms or shopping cart migration services must consider Shopify as they are great for all scales of businesses.


In order to run a successful ecommerce store, you need to have a strategy, long term and short term. Creating a competitive product line, integrating the right apps to your website, understanding your SEO content and knowing how to achieve targets is going to make your business fly and grow exponentially.


Although the ecommerce market is growing and there’s room for everyone to grow, it's also getting tougher and tougher to break through so if you want to increase your Shopify sales and boost your revenue, join us on an ultimate guide.


6 Tips to Boost Shopify Sales for a Small Business

Build your Subscribers to Leverage on Email Marketing


You might think email marketing is redundant and a thing of the past but the average ROI for email marketing is $2 for every $1 spent! So writing off email marketing is like killing for your business growth. The best way to increase your emailers list is by hooking in the customer already browsing or visiting your stores.


Not all browsers become buyers but they can be on your list of subscribers which can make them your customers in future with better deals and discounts. You can lure them in by giving them an incentive to leave their info with you like a one-time discount or free shipping or sample of some product!


Pay Heed to Your SEO


Nothing is more amazing, satisfying and encouraging than having organic traffic on your site and it is only possible with good quality SEO content. Shopify has some great SEO settings that will allow you to create SEP friendly pages, meta descriptions and so much more.


Your content should be all well-researched and must be totally in sync with your products, your customer’s demands and relevant backlinks. Ranking in the top 10 pages of any search engine should be your ultimate goal and using the right keywords and content is the key for it. Hire a professional ecommerce agency to guide you better.


Upselling and Crossselling is the Key


Upselling  and cross selling might be told off as annoying customer activity but if done right, can increase your sales almost immediately. In order to make it less of a nuisance and more of a positive experience you need to have a very strong AI game.


In simple words, you must know what to offer to which customer, you don’t want to offer the wrong products to the customer at the wrong time. The right suggestion at the right time can result in sale and the wrong product at the wrong time can result in total cart abandonment.


Have a Strong Social Proof


Nowadays, if you are not omnipresent then customers may think you are not a legitimate site. Social media plays a vital role here to make you a legal, authentic brand as it provides social proof. Also make sure each of your social media handles is active and replies promptly.


Shopify is a great platform that helps you link all your social media handles directly with your online store and also accepts payments through various channels. This makes it easy for the customers to reach out to you, learn about your products and make a purchase there and then.


Start a Reward Points System


Every business man or ecommerce agency will tell you that the first time customers are always a chance but the repeat customers are actually customers and considered a sale. So in order for your repeat customer to keep coming back to you, incentivize them with rewards.


These rewards can be accumulated for a bigger advantage or discount which will further motivate them to shop again and again. Shopify has apps that will allow you to sign up for these at a minimal price.


Display your Reviews and Boast them off to Pursue customers


Online business is tricky, people don’t trust a salesman but they blindly trust a random, strangers review. The sad part is that the people who have a good experience may or may not write a review but the ones that had not a very good experience will make sure they have their thoughts out.


But having said that, a site that doesn’t have any reviews for the customer's to see, gets immediately cancelled in a customers mind so make sure you have ample reviews out there and if they are mostly bad, you know where you need improvement.


Concluding Lines


Shopify is the world leading ecommerce platform choice when it comes to shopping cart migration services or starting a new venture. Choosing Shopify is just the first right step but success is gained when you take every step in the right direction, follow these simple tips to boost sales.