Edge buffet

This is a story about "edge buffet".

I was at a conference recently, and there was an "edge buffet". I'd never seen one before, so I asked the person next to me what it was. She said it was a buffet where you could get food that was about to go bad. I was intrigued.

I went to the edge buffet and looked at the food. There were all sorts of things, from sandwiches to salads to desserts. I decided to try a sandwich. It was a little dry, but it was still good.

I went back for seconds and got a salad. It was a little soggy, but it was still good. I was starting to get the hang of this edge buffet thing.

I went back for thirds and got a dessert. It was a little stale, but it was still good. I was really starting to enjoy this edge buffet.

I went back for fourths and got a sandwich. It was a little moldy, but it was still good. I was starting to regret this edge buffet thing.

I went back for fifths and got a salad. It was a little slimy, but it was still good. I was really starting to regret this edge buffet thing.

I went back for sixths and got a dessert. It was a little furry, but it was still good. I was really starting to regret this edge buffet thing.

I'm not sure why I kept going back to the edge buffet. Maybe it was the thrill of the unknown. Maybe it was the fact that the food was free. Whatever the reason, I'm glad I did.

The edge buffet was a great way to try new foods. I would never have tried some of the things I did if they hadn't been on the edge buffet.

The edge buffet was also a great way to save money. I got a lot of food for free.

Of course, the edge buffet wasn't without its risks. I did get a little sick after eating some of the food. But overall, I had a great experience.

If you ever see an edge buffet, I encourage you to give it a try. You might be surprised at how much you enjoy it.

Just don't eat too much.