EDRS 700 - Educational Research - Summer 2016


Required Text - The 1994 Edition - Look at online book resellers - Low price


Research designqualitative & quantitative approaches

Front Cover
John W. Creswell
Sage PublicationsApr 19, 1994 - Reference - 228 pages
How do you decide whether to use a qualitative or a quantitative approach for the design of a research study? How do you write up the results of a study for a scholarly journal article or dissertation? This book addresses these issues by providing a guide to major design decisions, such as deciding a paradigm, stating a purpose for the study, identifying the research questions and hypotheses, using theory, and defining and stating the significance of the study. Each chapter is organized to first present the principles about composing and writing qualitative and quantitative approaches followed by specific examples from journal articles and dissertations from a variety of fields within the social and human sciences. Each chapter concludes with writing exercises that relate back to these formats so that the reader can end the book with a written plan for a scholarly study. Research Design is aimed at upper division to graduate level research methods courses that are taught to prepare students to plan and write up independent research studies.
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Draft Syllabus



Reading Links

1. www.unr.edu

2. http://www.umsl.edu/~lindquists/qualdsgn.html

3. https://www.nyu.edu/classes/bkg/methods/005847ch1.pdf

4. https://explorable.com/anova

5. http://vassarstats.net/anova1u.html


Required Attendance for EDRS 700

Since the course is totally online, there is no required attendance. This helps for summer plans, i.e., family vacations, etc. If you have web access where you are, no matter where you are, good. If not, download and study-up on the course readings. This is a Graduate Level course -- the reading list will be a long one.

A reminder...please do get the Creswell text [1994] and begin reading...cover-to-cover. Short, easy read and still the BEST to study for an Intro class. 


Your final papers MUST BE written according to the American Psychological Association (APA) Style Manual, 6th edition. To try and save you some money, below are some sites that shows you how to "cite" a resource (book, article, website) for your assignments and final paper:






Course Calendar

May 16 - Day 1

May 17 - Class over -- NOT!!!!


Send me an email if you can get into this page. Thanks. Dr. Cannon



Contact Info:

[email protected]

cell - 775-453-0477 [Please wait for the service to ask you to state your name - I will pickup soon thereafter.]