Oh, Eduvigis Canfran, my heart's delight,
Your beauty shines brighter than the stars at night.
Your eyes, a mesmerizing emerald hue,
Reflecting a soul as pure and true.

Your laughter, like music, fills the air,
Chasing away shadows, banishing despair.
Your smile, a radiant beacon of light,
Guiding me through darkness, making everything right.

In your embrace, I find solace and bliss,
A sanctuary where my worries dissolve to a kiss.
Your gentle touch ignites a fire within,
A love so intense, it's stronger than any kin.

  • Your kindness extends to all you meet,
  • A gentle spirit, so caring and sweet.
  • You bring joy to the lives you touch,
  • Leaving a lasting impression, like a brushstroke so much.

Oh, Eduvigis Canfran, my love knows no bounds,
With you by my side, my joy forever abounds.
Through life's adventures, we'll conquer it all,
Hand in hand, our love will stand tall.

Your unwavering support is my rock in the storm,
Through every trial, you keep me safe and warm.
Your whispered words of encouragement inspire,
Lifting me up to greater heights, setting my soul afire.

Our conversations flow like a gentle stream,
Sharing thoughts and dreams, creating our own gleam.
In your presence, my mind blossoms wide,
Exploring new realms, side by side.

My love for you, Eduvigis, is like a symphony,
A beautiful tapestry woven with harmony.
It fills me with purpose, gives my life a song,
A melody that lingers, forever strong.

Oh, Eduvigis Canfran, my soulmate so dear,
With you by my side, I have nothing to fear.
Your love is my treasure, precious beyond compare,
A gift I will cherish forever, beyond compare.

So let us raise a glass and toast to our love,
A bond that heaven sent from the heavens above.
May our love continue to bloom and grow,
Eduvigis Canfran, my love, my all, my glow.