Edward Chan, Where Are You Now?

So Edward Chan, where are you now? It's been years since you disappeared without a trace. A lot has changed in the world since then, but I still think about you.
I remember when we were kids, we used to play together all the time. We would build forts in the woods and play hide-and-seek. We were always getting into trouble, but we always had a lot of fun.
I remember when we were in high school, you were the popular kid. You were on the football team and had a lot of friends. I was always the shy kid, but you never made fun of me. You were always kind to me.
I remember when we graduated from high school, you went to college and I went to work. We didn't see each other much after that, but I always thought about you.
One day, I heard that you had disappeared. I was shocked and saddened. I couldn't believe that you were gone.
I've often wondered what happened to you. Did you get into an accident? Did you run away? Did you start a new life somewhere else?
I'll never know the answer to those questions. But I still think about you every day. I wonder where you are now and what you're doing.
I hope you're happy and healthy. I hope you're surrounded by people who love you. I hope you're living your dreams.
I miss you, Edward Chan. I hope to see you again someday.
In the meantime, I'll cherish the memories of our time together.
I'll never forget you.

Edward Chan, wherever you are, I hope you know that I still care about you. I hope you know that I'll never forget you.

I love you, Edward Chan.


[Your name]