Frankenstein essay

"Should we allow Frankenstein's Monster to exist?" That is a question that most people ask each other. Some people say yes that we should let it exist, other people say no. They always argue on which opinion is the best without comig to an areement.  What about my opinion, does that matter? Well, thats what we are here to talk about.

But first, we should go oer some backround on the Monster. The monster was created by Dr. Frankenstein and his henchman. Frankenstein created it by using body parts of people who were dead. The Monster's brain was supposed to be a normal brain, but the henchman accidentely took an abnormal brain instead of a normal brain. After that, Dr. Frankenstein brought the creature to life, and the Montser was born.

After being brought to life, the Monster was clueless to its surroundings. It soon then went on to murder the henchman, a child, and almost Dr. Frankenstein himself. When the villagers found out about the Monster, they became outraged and formed a mob to kill it. When th mob did find the Monster, they burned the wooden windmill the the Monster was in, killing it in the process. With all the history aside, it's time for my opinion.

My opinion is no, and here's why. The thought of a Monster made by body parts of dead people actually existing sets off alot of red flags. Obviously if he were to exist, he were to be killed on sight and then would be expiremented on. But to him to actually exist is impossible, and heres why.