The breaking point between a story and a book

During a party on one of the television programs, the Egyptian essayist who made the book "The Blue Elephant" suggested that the breaking point between a story and a novel is that the last choice perseveres through lies as well as truth, since it is depicted, and some time later the narrator co

Really, this clarification contains different deludes that can't be relied on, as the partitions suggested by the creator don't exactly spread out the properties of these two kinds of record making. This is the very thing that we attempt to detail in the going with. كتاب ابابيل بدف

What is the portion between a story and a book?
It very well may be strong to say that we said that the vital package between the novel and the story in general is the detachment between their size and how much words, as the novel is more detectable in size, while the record style in the story doesn't take up a ton of words - so to speak - as it is seen as remembered to be ordinary something like 30,000 words.

Notwithstanding, is satisfactorily this to figure out the bundle between them? Additionally, the improvement of by and large talking around short, thick books? Are there uncommon framework made plans for the innovative sort alone, or are there complex affiliations that make the issue of certifiable family member?

Consequently, it will be basic for go over the meaning of both the novel and the story directly, and a short period of time later separate the breaking point between them from a fundamental key and clever perspective.

First: Meaning of the book:

The Novel is depicted as a fast kind that has a spot with stories, and is depicted by being a weakening story that depends following to destroying goliath nuances, across parts and a decently enormous size of words.

The novel correspondingly relies upon different characters, trade, and bended around events, inside a time frame going from a few hours to various years, precisely true to form by the opportunity of the events and the story complex to pick unequivocal issues. Basically, the supervisor pulls out as shown by its fixations to:

The colossal book: It relies upon the delegate viewpoint in proposing the significance, as it doesn't address the focuses clearly or taking into account everything, yet rather presents the issues inside a kind of questions and inconsistency, so the outcomes come as a mysterious that requires significance from the peruser and a wide culture that attracts him to relax them.

Dream novel: a fantasy novel depends coming about to presenting senseless stories and drawing in fabulous events plans to present philosophical perceptions about presence.

Expert book: a mind boggling plans with human issues through the explanations for awful method for managing acting and certified assessments, and it is reliably depicted by speed augmentation of events, mystery, and strain. In any case, this doesn't affirm that it is just a shallow show. Rather, extraordinary shocking lead books raise immense fixations on presence, man, moral inside voice, and other central issues.

Clear book: It is a wonderful considering a story radiating from clear events and real factors, through which the writer endeavors to raise issues about the past and the present, and to give the causes to the issues he wishes to check out.

The guaranteed book: overall, novel presents a story about human selves and their relationship with the universe. It isn't just about extreme stories, yet feeling outlines human relationship for general, even those that interface him to nature. Notwithstanding, this doesn't excuse that a massive piece of such books talk with stories between two dears and screen their opinions and nuances.

The reasonable book: The reasonable novel picks its plot and characters from this ceaseless reality, and we don't mean here that the events have truly occurred, yet rather it reproduces the nuances of society, its issues and nuances start to finish and considering everything, subsequently making some piece from innovative psyche, exceptional occasion, and dream.

There are various types of books, similar to the annihilating novel, the sharp that relies upon reasonable essential portrayal, and various sorts. كتاب انتيخريستوس

It should be seen that the novel could have two clear sorts in the interim. The writer mixes validness and feeling, or among inspector and the exceptional, and various undertakings at experimentation that scholars keep on practicing in the midst of their works.

?: Characteristics of the novel:Although savvy people have attempted to portray the characteristics that see a made up work from other watchful works, through attempts to close a lot of extraordinary viewpoints between books normally through making, these properties stay subject to consistent ceaselessly change, as guaranteed by the most outstanding procedure for regulating depicting and assembling stand-separated sorts.

Notwithstanding, of what this, concerning the novel, the going with credits should be evident:

Uncommon works depend upon a story depiction of parts, characters, places, as well as events and their perspectives in the essential setting.

As a last resort, the sharp depends upon the interconnection and repeat of events inside a system.