Is An Emergency Dental Service More Expensive Than A Regular Dental Service?

The cost of certain emergency dental services may be higher than the cost of routine dental care. Some urgent dental procedures could come with greater costs and necessitate an overnight stay. See a dentist about the best course of action for you in a particular circumstance is crucial.

What Is Emergency Dental Services?

Emergency dental services are available when a person's normal dental care is not possible or when the patient needs to be seen as soon as possible. These services can include emergency treatment for a toothache, a broken tooth, or a cavity. They can also include procedures like teeth extraction or root canal.

Depending on the severity of the condition and the place where they are received, emergency dental services might range in price. However, most urgent dental care is more expensive than routine.

Make sure to phone ahead and find out what services are offered if you have an emergency and need to see a dentist. If required, you might be able to visit a dentist within a few hours or schedule an appointment straight away. Remember that some crises may call for more involved care than others, so it's crucial to talk to your dentist about your situation before going.


Dental services can be quite expensive, so it might be worth considering whether or not an emergency dental service is necessary. Often times, we think that an emergency situation requires immediate attention and action, but this isn’t always the case. If you can book an appointment in advance and have a comprehensive plan of care in place, you may save money on your dental bill by avoiding an emergency visit altogether.