Emmett Scanlan: On Acting, the Magic of Theatre, and Staying Grounded

I had the privilege of sitting down with one of my favourite actors, Emmett Scanlan, and chatting with him everything from his acting journey to his thoughts on theatre's unique magic. With infectious enthusiasm and a genuine love for his craft, Emmett generously shared his insights and experiences, leaving me inspired and in awe of his passion for storytelling.
Emmett's passion for acting was ignited early on. About to head off to boarding school, fate intervened in the form of an audition notice, sparking a journey that would forever change his life. The magic of theatre captivated him from the moment he stepped onto the stage, and he knew he had found his calling.

"Theatre is a living, breathing entity," Emmett explained, his eyes sparkling with passion. "It's a communal experience where actors and the audience feed off each other's energy, creating something truly special." He described the buzz of live performances, the raw connection between performers and the audience, and the profound impact it had on him.

Reflecting on his own journey, Emmett emphasized the importance of perseverance and staying true to oneself. He encouraged aspiring actors to embrace the challenges, embrace the learning process, and to never give up on their dreams. "The road may be bumpy at times," he said, "but if you have a genuine love for acting, it's worth every ounce of effort."

Despite his success, Emmett has remained incredibly grounded. When asked how he navigates the ups and downs of the industry, he simply replied, "Gratitude." He shared how grateful he was for every opportunity and that he never took anything for granted. He believes in the transformative power of gratitude and credits it for keeping him focused and grounded amidst the whirlwind of Hollywood.

Emmett is not just an actor; he's also a writer and a director. This multifaceted approach to his craft allows him to explore storytelling from different perspectives. He's intrigued by complex characters, delving into the depths of the human psyche to bring them to life.

As our conversation drew to a close, I couldn't help but admire Emmett's genuine passion and the joy he finds in his work. He's a true artist in the fullest sense of the word, constantly evolving, challenging himself, and seeking new ways to connect with his audience.

"Acting is not just about playing different roles," Emmett said, his voice filled with emotion. "It's about using your voice to tell stories that matter, stories that have the power to inspire, challenge, and evoke change." He believes that as actors, they have a responsibility to use their platform for good, to shed light on important issues, and to make the world a better place.

Emmett's journey is a testament to the transformative power of passion, hard work, and gratitude. He's a role model for aspiring actors, a source of inspiration for his fans, and a true gem in the world of entertainment. As I left our conversation, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had just witnessed something extraordinary, a glimpse into the heart and soul of an artist who lives and breathes his craft.