Ensuring Transparency: A Deep Dive into VPAT Audits

In today's digital age, accessibility for individuals with disabilities is no longer optional, it's essential. This principle extends to Information and Communication Technology (ICT) products and services, where the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) plays a vital role. But how can we ensure the accuracy of the information presented in a VPAT? This is where VPAT audits come into play.

What is a VPAT Audit?

A VPAT audit is an independent evaluation of a Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) to verify the accuracy of the information it presents. Unlike a VPAT, which is a self-assessment by the vendor, a VPAT audit is conducted by a qualified accessibility professional who has no affiliation with the product or vendor.

Why are VPAT Audits Important?

VPAT audits offer several crucial benefits:

  • Increased Trust and Transparency: VPAT audits provide an objective assessment of a product's accessibility, fostering trust between vendors and potential buyers. This transparency is crucial for ensuring individuals with disabilities have access to truly usable ICT products.
  • Identifying Discrepancies: Audits can uncover discrepancies between the accessibility features claimed in a VPAT and the actual functionality of the product. This helps buyers make informed decisions and avoid products that may not meet their accessibility needs.
  • Promoting Compliance: VPAT audits can be instrumental in ensuring compliance with accessibility regulations. By verifying that a product adheres to established standards, audits help organizations avoid potential legal liabilities.
  • Facilitating Improvement: The audit process can identify areas where a product falls short in terms of accessibility. This valuable feedback allows vendors to address these shortcomings and improve the product's accessibility for future users.

What Does a VPAT Audit Entail?

The scope and methodology of a VPAT audit can vary depending on the specific needs of the buyer. However, a typical VPAT audit might involve the following steps:

  1. Reviewing the VPAT: The auditor meticulously examines the VPAT document, analyzing the accessibility features listed and the corresponding conformance levels claimed.
  2. Evaluating the Product: The auditor may directly test the product using various accessibility tools and techniques. This hands-on evaluation helps verify if the claimed features actually function as intended for users with disabilities.
  3. Documentation and Reporting: The auditor compiles a comprehensive report outlining the findings of the VPAT review and product evaluation. This report includes details of any discrepancies identified and recommendations for improvement.

Who Can Conduct a VPAT Audit?

VPAT audits should be conducted by qualified accessibility professionals with expertise in relevant standards like WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) or Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (US). These professionals possess the necessary knowledge and experience to assess accessibility features effectively.


VPAT audits play a critical role in safeguarding the integrity of VPATs and promoting true accessibility in the digital world. By ensuring transparency and accuracy, VPAT audits empower informed decision-making, support compliance with regulations, and ultimately pave the way for a more inclusive digital landscape for all.