
Epayitonline Login:
The dear customer once logged in successfully by the user, it will be redirected to the dashboard page where some required information can be easily available. Which can be done through the payment page, click on the Payment tab in the official website. Once you click on the payment button, you will be shown your outstanding bill, if any, so that you can go and review them. Once reviewed, click the Pay Now button. You will then be sent to the payment page where you will have to select one of the available options credit card/debit card / net banking/purse. Once you choose the payment option.

E Pay It Online:
E Pay It Online The native of the entire United States, who want to avoid cutting the hospitals, and want to take advantage of the services used by the medical practices, and save time with them, then pay bills using e Pay It Online if you have your own If there is no problem paying, there is no point of customer service contact. Contact the facility where you have received the medical service if you can not pay through E pay It online.

ePayitOnline- Features and more

By integrating multiple payment solutions, DMA has introduced an effective uniform and online payment portal- ePayitOnline. With it, patients can make the payment anytime and anywhere across smartphones or computing device. You can also apply for automated payment and interest-free payment by logging into the portal. The healthcare providers affiliated with DMA as their medical billing partner will provide the unique Account Credentials against all the patients actively under treatment and supervision. The Credentials are printed on the first billing statement which of course will be paid manually.

Here are the features of the ePayitOnline portal:

No need for inaccuracy and time consuming due to manual billing and accounti8ng.
Improvises cash flow.
HIPPA and PCI-DSS compliant authorized payment solutions.
Almost zero missed payment and levying of late payment charges.
Funds deposited and updated in the healthcare provider account within two business days of making the payment.
Accepts all major credit cards as payment methods- Visa, MasterCard, Diner’s Club. American Express and Discover.
No additional processing fees or application costs.
Easy transfer from one policy to another.
Secured Payment gateway.