Essential Facts Colloidal Silver

Silver has a wide range of applications that may be in the fashion industry, medicine and manufacturing among others. In medicine, the most useful form of this element is what is known as colloidal silver. This colloid is formed by suspending elemental particles in water. It has for many years been used as a natural antibiotic. The mechanism of action is that it inhibits important enzymes in microorganisms and causes them to die. This effectively controls an infection.
The colloid was very popular until the turn of the twentieth century when more effective antibiotics were discovered. Apart from lower effectiveness and potency, silver based antibiotics were relatively more expensive to produce. In spite of this, it has been adopted for many other uses in the medical field. It is available in many forms such as creams, wound dressings and a component of prosthetic implants.
The bacterial organisms that colonize the skin and mucosal surfaces are the most susceptible to the effects of this colloid. This is the reasoning behind the impregnation of endotracheal tubes with the colloid. The tubes are used in patients who need general anesthesia and those that require long term ventilator support in intensive care units. The presence of silver serves as prophylaxis against pneumonia.
Another important application is in the treatment of superficial burn injuries. Here, the benefits are two fold; to serve as a physical barrier against loss of water and to keep infections in check. Non healing ulcers are also managed in a similar manner. The best way is to dress the wounds in a dressing that is impregnated by the element. With time, the size reduces and the odor emanating from the wounds is eliminated.
The element is commonly reacted with some types of salts to create a number of therapeutically useful compounds. The compound silver nitrate is an example. This compound is a component of eye drops given to newborns to act as a prophylactic treatment for conjunctivitis. It is also useful in managing skin infections such as corns and warts. The other application is its use in cardiac and orthopedic devices.
One of the advantages associated with the use of this colloid is the fact that it has low toxicity. Very high levels are required to cause injury whether taken through the oral, inhalational or cutaneous route. Accumulation of the element in the body with time may be disastrous. It often causes a discoloration of the skin in sun-exposed areas leading to a condition known as agyria.
Agyria disfigures the areas that are affected. This will of course be a huge concern if the face is affected. The unfortunate thing about the condition is that it is irreversible. Avoiding further direct sunlight exposure and using makeup are the main interventions that can be undertaken. Apart from the skin, other organs such as the kidney, liver and the brain may also be damaged.
While the importance of the colloid has continued to wane over the years, the case has been the reverse as relates to alternative medicine. The colloid has been advertised as a magical drug that can treat any form of illness including cancer, HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and diabetes. These claims have attracted a lot of criticism due to lack of adequate scientific evidence for these claims.
You can now buy the right colloidal silver dosage directly from a reputable source. To know more about the health benefits of pure colloidal silver, go to this website at