European Elections 2024 candidates

The European Parliament elections are scheduled to be held on 23-26 May 2024, and there's a lot at stake. The results of these elections will determine the future of Europe for the next five years.

There are a number of candidates running for office, and it can be difficult to decide who to vote for. To help you make an informed decision, I've compiled a list of some of the candidates and their key policies.

  • Manfred Weber (EPP)
    Weber is a conservative candidate who supports a stronger European Union. He is a member of the European People's Party, which is the largest political group in the European Parliament. Weber wants to make the EU more efficient and democratic, and he believes that the EU should play a more active role in the world.
  • Frans Timmermans (PES)
    Timmermans is a socialist candidate who supports a more progressive EU. He is a member of the Party of European Socialists, which is the second-largest political group in the European Parliament. Timmermans wants to create a fairer and more sustainable EU, and he believes that the EU should do more to protect the environment and fight climate change.
  • Guy Verhofstadt (ALDE)
    Verhofstadt is a liberal candidate who supports a more united EU. He is a member of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe, which is the third-largest political group in the European Parliament. Verhofstadt wants to create a more prosperous and inclusive EU, and he believes that the EU should play a more active role in promoting human rights and democracy.
  • Ska Keller (Greens/EFA)
    Keller is a Green candidate who supports a more sustainable EU. She is a member of the Greens/European Free Alliance, which is the fourth-largest political group in the European Parliament. Keller wants to create a more environmentally sustainable EU, and she believes that the EU should do more to promote renewable energy and fight climate change.
  • Matteo Salvini (ID)
    Salvini is a right-wing candidate who supports a more nationalist EU. He is a member of the Identity and Democracy Group, which is the fifth-largest political group in the European Parliament. Salvini wants to create a more secure and prosperous EU, and he believes that the EU should do more to protect its borders and fight illegal immigration.
These are just a few of the candidates running for office in the European Parliament elections. There are many other candidates, and it's important to do your research before voting.

The future of Europe is at stake in these elections. It's important to make sure that you vote for the candidate who best represents your values and your vision for the future.