Evellyn Abovyan's Dream of Stars

Evellyn Abovyan was a curious little girl who loved to explore the world around her. She spent countless hours in her backyard, making up stories about the leaves on the trees and the clouds in the sky.

One night, as Evellyn lay in bed, she looked up at the stars twinkling in the night sky. She wondered what it would be like to be up there, among the stars. She closed her eyes and imagined herself soaring through space, touching each star with her fingertips.

As Evellyn dreamed, she felt a gentle breeze against her skin. She opened her eyes and saw that she was no longer in her bed. She was floating in space, surrounded by stars.

Evellyn looked around in wonder. The stars were even more beautiful up close. They shimmered and sparkled like a thousand diamonds.

All of a sudden, Evellyn heard a voice. "Hello, Evellyn Abovyan," the voice said. "I am the Star Queen."

Evellyn turned to see a beautiful woman standing before her. The woman was dressed in a long, flowing gown made of shimmering stardust. "I have been expecting you," the Star Queen said.

"Expecting me?" Evellyn asked. "Why?"

"Because you are a dreamer," the Star Queen said. "You have always dreamed of coming to the stars, and tonight your dream has come true."

Evellyn smiled. "Thank you," she said. "This is a dream come true."

Evellyn and the Star Queen spent the rest of the night talking and laughing. They talked about the stars, the planets, and the wonders of the universe. The Star Queen told Evellyn all about her role as the guardian of the stars, and how she made sure that they twinkled brightly each night.

As dawn approached, the Star Queen said to Evellyn, "It is time for you to go now. But remember, you will always be welcome in the stars."

Evellyn nodded. "I will never forget this night," she said.

And then, Evellyn woke up in her bed. She opened her eyes and looked up at the stars twinkling in the morning sky. She smiled, knowing that she would never forget her dream of stars.

The next day, Evellyn Abovyan told everyone she met about her dream. She told her friends, her family, and even her teachers. Everyone was amazed by her story, and they all agreed that Evellyn had a very special gift.

And so, Evellyn Abovyan grew up to be a great astronomer. She spent her life studying the stars and sharing her love of the universe with others. And whenever she looked up at the night sky, she remembered her dream of stars, and she smiled.

The End