Environment Concerns

Beautiful flowers blooming, trees of autumn glancing down, nice warm sun shining, rain falling, rivers flowing, birds chirping. What an attractive scenery it used to be. Now, human activities are causing mass pollution on earth; the bodies of water, air, and environmental noises are the three main factors being affected. This affection is slowly diminishing the naturalness of our planet. And, I wonder if future generations cannot appreciate the natural beauty of the earth due to the way we are polluting it today?

Water pollution, a pivotal problem, is a biological or chemical change in the quality of water due to the presence of contaminants in water. Most of this contamination as on date is due to various human activities. In fact, humans are responsible for the mass deaths of aquatic organisms often swept ashore at different beaches in the world. Pesticides also contaminate bodies of water; they reach the creeks and rivers through storms and household drains. The main concern about pesticides being in the water is their potential for causing chronic health problems in humans, such as cholera and hepatitis.

Another humanity’s challenge is air pollution. Earlier the air we breathe used to be pure and fresh. But, due to the increasing industrialization and concentration of poisonous gases in the environment, the air is getting toxic day by day. It is harming the animals and the humans that reside there. The poisonous gases are the cause of many skins and respiratory disorders such as atopic dermatitis, asthma, and bronchitis. Moreover, the rapidly increasing human activities like the burning of fossil fuels is threatening the planet. The burning of fossil fuels is releasing carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, which in turn is trapping heat in our atmosphere, making it the primary contributor to global warming and climate change.

Noise pollution or environmental noise is another major type of pollution. It is a displeasing sound created by humans, animals, or machines, that disrupts the activity or balance of domestic and animal life. The most common source of noise pollution is brought on the world by transportation systems that include motor vehicle noise, aircraft noise, and rail noise. Chronic exposure to these noises is causing damages both physically and psychologically, such as lack of sleep, heartburn, high blood pressure, heart disease, and hearing impairment. Furthermore, as construction work and vehicles come to an area, the beautiful natural scenery is overtaken; irritating human machines sounds are now replacing the natural sounds.

Presently, the flowers are not blooming, trees of autumn are drying, the sky is filling up with smoky mist, rain is not falling, rivers are not flowing, the noise of machines is overtaking the relaxing sound of nature. The bodies of water are beginning to train themselves to lead. The air is filling up with toxins. Transportation systems are diminishing natural beauty. It's amazing how we’re not already dead. Nature is reducing to almost nothing as a result of humanity doing too much rather than finding a balance. Environmental contamination is an incurable disease; it can only be prevented, so let’s start taking care of the world that surrounds us, or else the future generation may not be able to exist due to the way we are polluting it today.