Travel to Uranus

Upon visiting Uranus, you can have nice accommodation on 1 of 27 moons on Uranus.

Have a nice 2-week cruise on Uranus, activities for children and adults of all ages

Uranus’s Atmosphere: 83% helium, 15% methane & 2% methane plus trace amounts of other gases such as ethane.


Temperature: Near Core: up to 9,000 ̊ Fahrenheit & 4,982 ̊ C

Temperature: Surface of Uranus is 49 ̊ Kelvin or- 224 ̊ C

Seasons: Seasons on Uranus last 21 earthly years, Winter, Summer, Autumn, Spring

Storms/Weather: Wind speeds on Uranus can reach up to 900 km/hr


Uranus experiences temperatures up to 224 ̊ C and nearing the core it gets up to 9 000 ̊ Fahrenheit & 4 982 ̊ C. the seasons on Uranus are similar to our Summer, Autumn, Winter, Spring however not in that particular order, if Uranus takes 84 Earth years to rotate the sun and has four seasons… it takes Uranus 21 Earth years for only 1 season to complete on Uranus. “Uranus' unique sideways rotation makes for weird seasons. The planet's north pole experiences 21 years of nighttime in winter, 21 years of daytime in summer and 42 years of day and night in the spring and fall.”

The Atmosphere on Uranus is tough for us to live on right now because of what it’s made up of, it made up of 83% helium, 15% methane & 2% methane plus trace amounts of other gases such as ethane.