Extremely Essential Facts About Colloidal Silver

Colloids of silver is a term that was used for the fist time in the 1990s for describing minute silver particles whose content was more than 50 percent in the mixture. Over time, there are many manufacturers who label their products as colloidal silver but such products may not be produced to the required standards. Therefore, there are many products on shelves that are not genuine.

It is very important to know how to tell whether a product is a true colloid or not. There are a few ways to tell when a product is not genuine. If the solution has a clear color then it is not genuine. The true colloids when exposed to light will be amber in color because the particles absorb light at differing wavelengths to most other liquids. The darker the amber color, the higher the concentration of the silver particles.

The other way of telling that a solution is not genuine is when it is labelled as a mild silver protein or silver protein. Such products are different from the genuine ones because there is a difference in particle size. The other way is to use laboratory tests but these may be costly and demanding. When doing a purchase, you should confirm that the solution has mainly water and silver. There are rarely any other ingredients.

If there are any other ingredients, notably stabilizers, then the product should not be purchased before prior research on the added element. If the seller suggests that you refrigerate the product, this would suggest that there is another product within it. The genuine product does not need to be refrigerated and is always protected from freezing.

Packaging of the product should be done in amber or cobalt glass, with storage done in a cool, dark place. There are different containers used for the packaging. In case the manufacturer indicates that the solution needs to be shaken before use, you should be wary. The genuine product does not require any stirring or shaking before use.The size of the particles is very important. The smaller the particles, the better the quality.

The solution always has indicated on the package the number of parts per million to show the concentration. The measurement is used in reference to weight. It is the weight of one silver part to one million parts of water. For the larger particles, the surface area will be smaller as compared to if the particles were in particles that are smaller.

There are some people who prefer to individually produce the solution from home as opposed to purchasing it. This will go a long way in enabling you to control not only the quality but also price in case it is to be sold. A generator is used for the production process and makes it not only convenient to produce the solution but also saves a lot of time.

When it comes to home production, you must use distilled water. Tap water must never be used because it has many chemicals that have a negative effect on quality of the product. You may be required to test various types of distilled water before settling for the best.

Are you in search of the best colloidal silver products you can find? Check out everything we have to offer, when you visit the Gold2Live website today at http://www.gold2live.com/Dosage-Silver-Water.html.